Glasshouse learning experiences work on all devices
Desktops, laptops, tablets and even mobile phones will display Glasshouse content beautifully.
A range of interaction types
Multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, drag-and-drop exercises, fill-in-the-gaps
(cloze), complex decision tables, branching scenarios.
Media rich
Glasshouse supports HTML video and audio along with closed captions
Flexible content presentation
Content and activities can be presented in a wide range of layouts and sequences.
Glasshouse includes over 250 pre-built ways to present content.
Works with any LMS
Your content can be exported using SCORM 1.2. Resources can also be made available directly in
your LMS using the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard. This means you can make a
change in Glasshouse and it’s instantly visible.